Monday, July 11, 2005

Biology at it's best!

Its an undeniable fact of life. Its something SMU is famous for. SMU girls are hot. Really hot.

Looks like i'm gonna go for the double post today... Writing about SMU in my preivious post has made me remember quite a few things about the past year, and one thing which is impossible to forget about SMU is the seemingly unreal hotness of the girls there. Now, I myself have never been a fan of associating myself with the ultra-busty, ultra-bitchy variety of woman, but I would be just plain lying if I told you that when I leave SMU, I will also be leaving oodles of super shallow, but for some reason, HOT ass girls. So in this episode, we seek to answer some of the questions involving these seductive sirens, more specifically, the question which has plagued the mind of the male SMU students for eons: by what incredible fluke of nature did the girls of SMU get to be so freaking hot!?!

What the girls of SMU lack in personality, they compensate for in areas of well placed body fat and toned muscle. I assure you, the answers to the question posed above can be answered in one simple but important principle of biology: survival of the fittest. I have devised a theory to this below, which I like to call The Trophy Wife Theory (c).

So you have these guys, smart and hardworking, who go to school, graduate, and use the skills they have learned to become successful through business, entrepreneurship, whatever... nature knows no specific profession. When these guys are successful and wealthy, they effectively outcompete their competition in accumulating the resources needed to create and provide for a family, and live a life superior to those he has outcompeted. From a primitive evolutionary standpoint, women find this attractive in the man, regardless of his age (either that, or they just want a piece of that phat bank account, but whatever). The male, being the superior rich bastard that he is, has his pick of the female mating pool. The male, also acting from primal instincts, chooses the mate which he feels would be able to bear him the most offspring and would be most suited to spread his seed around the world (aka the guy is a horndog). This mate, being beautiful, is also stratiegically chosen by the male to show off his dominance to those other males around him. The chosen women then becomes what biologists refer as a trophy wife, the very same from which the name of this theory is derived. The couple then produces offspring, which, because of the good looks of the mother, has a high chance of inheriting the good looks of the mother, while still retaining the "resources" provided by the father. This girl then grows up and is sent to SMU, where she is forever doomed to be bitchy and materialistic. But still hot.

The above post was made purely in good fun, and, if you read it and somehow took offense, I do apologize. T'was just a joke! Although there ARE plenty of the girls I mentioned before, there are also TONS of girls at SMU who are great and pretty cool too :-)


Blogger Dan said...

I"ll give you some credit where its due man. You have the best ability to bullshit of any person I know. I don't know how you do it, but many of your posts have gotten me to laugh, which is hard to do on paper. Good job Camel

The Gazelle of the Serengeti, co-producer of the Diop Chronicles

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, that 'aint no theory buddy that's FACT! I on the other hand go to a "working class" school in a Canada. Believe me there is NO over abundance of hot girls, and at times it can be decidedly weak... Oh well, for my masters I plan on going to a prep ass school, just in time for my superior providing skills to be coming into full swing!

6:31 PM  

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