Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ode to unhygenic fobby electrical engineers

Engineers are some of the smartest people on the face of this planet. We design and build all of the machines which make life as easy as it is today. With our advanced skills in math and physical sciences, we can build a devices which allow us to provide light when the sun has long set, communicate over different continents, or even traverse entire nations within the span of a few hours... but apparently for some reason we can't learn to TAKE A FREAKING SHOWER. Does anybody else find it ironic that the majority of engineers, the very people responsible for the advancement of the human race from ooga booga cavemen to the tricked out pimps that we are today, have yet to master the primal urge to practice basic hygiene and not smell like a friggin dingleberry.

And people wonder why there are so few chicks in engineering..... Now, granted, there are exceptions, such as myself, but that's not really something to be proud of! So if you're one of the stinky scientists I mentioned before, meaning if you are an engineer, and the number of times you shower in one week can be expressed in two or fewer binary digits, take a shower! You're giving us a bad name.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On an average week I shower 0xD times; gotta love the hex eh? Yeah, I have noticed the same thing. There are some stank ass engineering guys and they give the rest of us a bad name. We are not all losers that play D&D, live in our parents’ basement, and download bootleg pictures of Natalie Portman off IRC. There are guys out the like mac daddy Reyes!

2:19 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

I hate to break it to you lot, but being an engineer by definition implies that you stink.

/heads to the shower

1:29 PM  

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