Sunday, December 04, 2005


You know what really chaps my ass?

1. When I'm in the PCL and some couple starts getting jiggy in the cubicle next to mine.

2. When my TA loses two of my programs, and my test, and says he's too "busy" to look for them, so I get zeroes on them until I find them.

3. When some girl sporting dreadlocks takes an hour to make your sheesha.

4. When you take the wrong bus to the mall and you end up in the ghetto of all ghettos for two hours.

5. When you're at the mall and you get checked out nonstop by damn fourteen year old teeniboppers.

...and that's been my week so far!

Every since writing my "gay omani man" post, traffic on my site has doubled... except about one third of my visitors are still of the man-porn persuasion... anyways

I'm such a Christmas junkie. Sure, all of my Christmases have been spent in the desert, they've all been fun. For the last few years, Thanksgiving for me has meant two things: time to shop like a BAMF, and time for me to bust out the Christmas music. Since I'm not going home this Christmas, I seriously think I'm gonna decorate my room for Christmas. And no I'm not gay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cut out my own paper was good times

1. PCL is totally the hot makes my loins weak just being around all those musty books
2. TAs are gay
3. Slow people should die. I've realized this is an Austin thing, the whole slow-pace of life vibe. It's great if you work here, but it's a pain in the ass if you're not from here.
4. Next time call someone for a ride. I'm a nice enough person to consider taking you. Probably just because I find buses to be incredibly evil. AKA they drove by my busstop twice this morning without stopping
5. OMG he's like totally cute...omg he looked at me...omg lolz

-mk so i'm in stats and i'm a little bored....

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You know what really chaps my ass?" And you wonder why you get lots of gay Omani hits? :)
TAs are pretty damn useless, mine this year have been pretty decent, but last year the dude I had for mechanics marked 3/5 of my tests wrong! Kind of makes sense why our proffs have to do the finals...
Sounds like a kick ass start to the week if you ask me!
Man I've been pumping the Christmas tunes, for the past couple of days, its gold when there is actually snow outside too!

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holly shit, that last post of mine made no sence at all; all I can think about right now are Bode Plots and Transient Circuits, time for bed :(

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, but we should go to the mall more often, and pick up highschool chicks. why? cause as we get older, they stay the same...oh yeah..

12:36 AM  

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