Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oh, The Horror

With all the crap going on in the world today, I won't be surprised if sometime in the future, history books label this decade as some kind of period of chaos. Countries fighting wars from halfway across the world, bombs killing innocent civilians, countries developing nuclear weapons, countries spying on their own citizens, Brad and Jennifer getting divorced.... Yup, I'd say the world is in a sad state right now.

With so many lives in the hands of so few people, I think it'd do a whole lot of people good if the leaders of the world to grow the hell up. If Ahmadinejad wants to enrich nuclear materials to generate electricity, fine, that's their right. If George Bush wants to be suspicious of a country that's traditionally been more outspoken and belligerent than passive, fine, that's his right. But as far as I'm concerned, both leaders have serious leadership flaws... George Bush rides the short bus and Ahmadinejad is just plain old crazy. What does NOT do any good is when certain SOMEONES throw around accusations of nuclear weapons ambitions and other SOMEONES threaten to make even more uranium if they're not left alone. I think the US pretty much lost its right to throw around accusations like that after Iraq. Btw, why are we there again?If everyone would just grow up, sprout some pubic hair, and really listened to what the other one had to say, maybe some progress would be made.

Viola! Problem solved. Hmmmm now if there was only there was someone to mediate between the two. Oh wait there's the UN! Too bad the US only respects the UN when it wants something done but doesn't want to do it itself.

There used to be a time when I thought going a week without updating this thing was excessive. Now I'm lucky if I can find time to write every two weeks. I need to change that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris you do have a point about the US stepping outside its boundaries on what it can and can't police but I'm not so sure if this applies to Iran. Allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons would be a mistake. I have nothing against the Iranian people, but I don't think their leaders are rational enough to not use the nukes. If Iran was allowed to progress down the road of developing nukes Israel would flip shit and start bombing. As much as the rest of the Middle East isn't a fan of Iran I don't think they would stand by and watch. You can see where I'm going with this, and it isn't good.
While I don't believe the US had the mandate to go into Iraq, they are there now so you have to finish it out. The "why are we there again" comment really bother's me. You were there originally to smoke out the WMDs, but now you are there to restore peace and order and give the Iraqi people a chance at a normal life. The troops must stay, more Americans and Iraqis must die, but it is the only way to allow all the Iraqis a chance at normalcy.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

The whole point of what I was trying to say was that there was a better way of just throwing around blatant accusations that Iran was seeking to build up weapons, and I was using Iraq as a previous example of where that didn't work out. I don't think Iran should be allowed to have nuclear weapons either, but there are better ways to compromise than what's going on right now. I kind of agree with you on the Iraq thing though. We fucked everything up there good and we ARE there to restore peace and order, but probably only because we have to finish what we've started.

3:24 AM  

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