Monday, February 28, 2005


I re-enabled comments on my blog, cause I'm cool like that.

The Legend of the G-Unit

Once upon a time, there were these two sweet kids who lived in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. One of them was French/Canadian but we won't hold that against him here. Both of them kicked so much ass, but neither one of them was able to DO THE IMPOSSIBLE. They were in the band together, one of them played the trumpet and one played the clarinet. But both had extreme distaste for the flapping wings of the band teacher. These two kids were friends while going to school in saudi, but were not quite the homedawgs they are today. Then they both graduated and went off to boarding school. Little did they both know that the G-Unit would soon be formed, and that it would be the bomb.

While in boarding school, each of these guys went their separate ways. One of them went back to Canada, to mountie school to become French. The other one went to Connecticut, where the leaves turn nice colors in the fall. But even though they went to two very different schools, these two guys had one very painful thing in common. THEY KEPT GETTING THIER SHIZZLE ROCKED HARDCORE. And this is no ordinary rocking. This was all out full contact destruction. To the max. Both of them were so lost without each other's guidance and eternal wisdom.

In the Spring of 2003, an alliance was formed. This alliance would be forever known as the G-UNIT, named appropriately not after the gangstas, but after the sign at the Dhahran Nursery. They also drove a CHEROKEE which was cool too. With the power of the G-UNIT, surely these two kids' childhood dreams would be fulfilled right? But NooOOOOoooo, it was not to be so. The crew struggled throughout highschool and the rocking of the shizzle continued. And it was painful.

After highschool, the G-MEN were becoming discouraged. Morale was low, supplies were becoming limited, and there was a massive defecit. In college, the dudes continued to face resistance from the jacked B-MEN. This sucked too. Maybe in the future, things will be looking up. But for now, this post will have to be cut short because the Mavs game is starting. Layta!

P.S. If you don't have any idea what this is all about, don't worry. You will soon enough when these kids are living it up in Dubai with their hot French/Canadian wives.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Survey Says....

I filled out this survey, cause I got it over the facebook. But then, they disabled mass messaging, so I couldn't send it out :-( But now here it is!

This is what you're supposed to do...and try not to be LAME and spoil the fun! Just give in. Copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it into a new email. Don't forget to delete out all the other email addresses so this doesn't get impossibly long. Change all of the answers so that they apply to you. Then, send this to a whole bunch of people you know *INCLUDING* the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about your friends. It is fun and easy.

1. First Name?

2. Were you named after anyone?
St. Christopher

3. Do you wish on stars?
you cant even see stars half the time in this town

4. When did you last cry?
im a MAN… we don’t cry…………

5. Do you like your handwriting?
girls tell me its “pretty” but its just scribble

6. What is your favorite lunch meat?

7. What is your birth date?
September 14, 1986.

What is your most embarrassing CD?
I don’t have many cds…. I steal most of my music online

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
yea, total homies

10. Are you a daredevil?
depends on how I feel at that moment

11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?
yes, but I try not to

12. Do looks matter?
as for being friendly, definitly not, but some physical attraction is needed for that significant other

13. Do you think members of the other sex find you attractive?
Not particularly, but whatev

41. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Nope… guess Gucci handbag and ugg-boots-with-miniskirts blondes aren’t really my thing – P.S. -->#41?

13. Like a girl?

14. How do you release anger?
working out, playing my guitar, loud music, venting to friends

14. Where is your second home?
Dallas, Tx

15. Do you trust others easily?
ya, sometimes too much

16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
oldschool Nintendo for sure

17. What class in high school do you think was totally stupid?
physics, but it was more the teacher than the class

18. Do you have a journal?
ya, but for my eyes only

19. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
NooOOOOoooo whats that?

22. What are your nicknames?
Reyes, Little Oliver, Camel

23. Would you bungee jump?
oh yes, but i'd rather skydive

24. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

25. Do you think that you are strong?
about average I guess

26. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
mmm… chocolate chip cookie dough

28. Shoe Size?

29. Red or pink?

30. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
that im usually really shy

31. Who do you miss most?
my Saudi crew and Taft bros

32. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back?
I hope so, its good to know lots about your friends

33. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
im wearing blue jeans and tan burkenstocks

34. What are you listening to right now?
Graham Colton band and Amr Diab

35. Last thing you ate?
Umphrey Lee sewage!

36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

37. What is the weather like right now?
pretty warm for this time of year

38. Last person you talked to on the phone?
my friend Varun

39. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
first off, eyes and smile. then personality

40. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
sure… all 3984320588 of them

42. Favorite Drink?
water, and most drinks containing caffeine

43. Favorite Sport?
squash, from back in high school days

44. Hair Color?
jet black

45. Eye Color?

46. contacts?
Hey where's 47.?

48. Favorite Food?
shawarmas or cheesebread from latif

49. Last Movie You Watched?
Office Space… have you seen my stapler?

50. Favorite Day Of The Year?
Christmas Day

51. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings?
Happy Endings mos def, but some scary movies are dec too

52. Summer Or Winter?

53. Hugs OR Kisses?
hugs are always nice

55. What Is Your Favorite Dessert?

56. Who Is Most Likely To Respond?
i bet hardly anyone....prove me wrong

57. Who Is Least Likely To Respond?
the random people on my friends list

58. Living Arrangements?
single on campus, I like it a lot.

59. Life of Pi
mmmm pie!

60. What's On Your Mouse Pad?
don’t have one

62. What Did You Watch Last night on TV?
the Mavericks, giving the GS Warriors an ass whupping

63. Favorite Smells?
whenever I go home, I always take a huge whiff of the way my house smells, it just smells like home

64. Favorite Sounds?
I dunno… but sometimes complete silence is nice

65. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
the Beatles, for shizzle

66. What's the farthest you've been from home?

67. Do you have a special talent?
I have the super unique ability to put off work until right before its due!

thats all, feel free to add a question


Attending SMU has been a unique experience for me. It has allowed me that little peek into the lives of upper class suburban America. I don't hate rich people, but being at SMU, i've come to notice that a lot of kids are less individualistic and more inclined to spend more money so that they can fit in with everyone else. Apparently, if you're rich, there are several items which you absolutely must have and are almost standard issue.

1. An Apple iPod - We all want one, but not all of us are fortunate enough to own one. This piece of hardware runs about $250 and while decent mp3 players are out there that will cost you half the price or even less, everyone prefers to buy the iPod - even though nobody in the universe has enough songs to fill one of those bad boys up.

2. Ugg Boots - Ugg boots are what girls are wearing these days. Even though most guys hate them, chicks seem to enjoy wearing these sheep-skin-made shoes with miniskirts. If it's warm enough to wear a miniskirt, then isn't this defeating the purpose of the boot altogether? Plus, they're hella ugly.

3. Popped collars - A lot of guys seem to like popping up their collars. Other guys enjoy wearing 2 or 3 collared shirts at a time. If they're feeling especially prep, some guys even wear 2 or 3 shirts WITH popped collars (ooooooo..). To me, this is weird, cause it just wears out your clothes faster and creates more laundry for you to do. Do people like doing this because it shows that they are have so much extra money that they can afford extra laundry detergent and quarters for laundry....?

4. Gucci/Prada/Louis Vuitton handbags - I dunno about everyone else, but I walk around with my blue Jansport backpack, and that seems to do the job just fine. $25, done. There's sooo much more people could do with the extra money they could save on these handbags.... like buy real FOOD.... or Mavs ticktes, whichever works.

So yeah, if you like own any of the things above, then.... This post was totally a joke or something. And you fell for it! Haha!

Currently Listening To: Let It Be by The Beatles
Feeling Like: Catching up on sleep

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I gots me a blog!

So one night I had this mondo load of work, and me being me, I did not feel like doing it until at least 1:00 AM. It hit me that I spend a good deal of my day pushing my work farther and farther into the night, while I sit aimlessly at my computer listening to music or chatting, or watching MAVS games, all of which are enormous wastes of time (Mavs not so much though). So I thought to myself "you should start a blog, so at least something good will come out of all the time you waste. " It seemed like a good idea, and the result is this here blog. Hereby named the "Procrastination Station," it will be updated for the internet's viewing pleasure whenever I have something to share.... unless I start thinking of this as work too. Then you're all screwed.

yay my first post