Friday, February 24, 2006

what the hell

I always talk about how messed up the world is, and today takes that to an extreme. Yesterday, there was an attempted coup of the government in my home country, the Philippines, right after a landslide kills thousands. And today, two cars laden with explosives tried to blow up ARAMCO, the company my dad works for. Crap like this just doesn't happen all at once. I'm in too much shock to comment on either of these, so i'll just leave it for later.

click here for the ARAMCO story
click here for the Philippines coup story

Thursday, February 23, 2006


I've been in kind of a funk as of late. I'm normally not one to write about my feelings and all that junk on here, but I think this is something most people go through so I might as well write about it. I'll try to keep this as un-diluted with emo crap as possible.

Lately I've come to realize that I'm a completely different person that I was a year ago. Last year, I think I was a pretty angry kid. I was so pissed off by everyone at SMU that I didn't really look for the good. Coming to UT has actually made my life a lot more complicated, with me already being a semester behind, and classes that are so hard that I find myself antagonizing every teacher, TA, and pimple faced kid who's smarter than me in the ENS (Engineering Science Building for you liberal arts majors out there). Last year I was so pissed off by my jackass roommate and everybody else at SMU that I became hypermotivated to work my ass of and transfer out of there. Now that I'm at UT, there's no motivation to do anything... at all. Sure, I'm making decent grades and all that junk, but I can't help but feel like I'm just drifting through what are supposed to be the best years of my life - my last chance to enjoy irresponsibility, where mistakes are not only accepted, but expected. Too many times I find myself missing the simpleness of childhood, where all I had to worry about was who's house we'd play playstation at after school as opposed to now having to worry about writing a program in C++ using abstract data types to create a number capable of representing integers greater that 10^50, due at 11:59:59 PM. Or even high school, whose structure at least allowed me to drift through life within the boundaries of establishment. Not that I don't care about playstation anymore, though, because I do. I still am really glad to be at UT instead of anywhere else, and I love the school and all my friends here and all, but man, I really need to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I never thought I'd say this, but I think Austin is too liberal. Austin is great and all, but I think its actually driven me to be more conservative. I was probably so excited to get out of ultra right-winged SMU/Highland Park that I associated myself with every tree hugger in Austin. I think the only reason I considered myself a liberal in the first place was because of my blind hatred for W. I don't think I believe in political sides anymore. I'm getting kind of sick of people calling each other un-democratic or un-republican just because they don't agree on every single issue that comes up. Take me for example, I HATE our current foreign policy, and hate the way we treat other countries, yet I still support our troops. I'm pro choice, yet still believe in traditional and cultural values like how women shouldn't walk around half naked. I hate both rednecks AND hippies. So what am I? Hell if I know. I guess thats what comes out of living in the most conservative land on Earth, yet going to school in the most liberal city in the state.

And its 2:39 AM right now, so I'd probably be getting to bed. So much for me getting up for my 8 o'clock class tomorrow.

Oh yeah, and my blog turns one tomorrow, so for the next week or so I'll be posting some of my favorite posts that I've written, "prepschool classics" if you will :)

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Do I dress preppy? I certainly didn't think so, at least until today, when I was at the mall with some friends when someone at GAP asked me if I worked there. Thinking it was a fluke, I politely informed her that no, I did not. My friends then dared me to walk in to Abercrombie, and pretend to be an employee there, asking them if they needed help and such. So I did, thinking that there was no way it would work, and that I would just end up making a fool of myself..... but it worked. Everyone I apporached thought I worked there responed to my "do you need help with anything?" It sucked. I am not a preppy bastard damn it!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oh, The Horror

With all the crap going on in the world today, I won't be surprised if sometime in the future, history books label this decade as some kind of period of chaos. Countries fighting wars from halfway across the world, bombs killing innocent civilians, countries developing nuclear weapons, countries spying on their own citizens, Brad and Jennifer getting divorced.... Yup, I'd say the world is in a sad state right now.

With so many lives in the hands of so few people, I think it'd do a whole lot of people good if the leaders of the world to grow the hell up. If Ahmadinejad wants to enrich nuclear materials to generate electricity, fine, that's their right. If George Bush wants to be suspicious of a country that's traditionally been more outspoken and belligerent than passive, fine, that's his right. But as far as I'm concerned, both leaders have serious leadership flaws... George Bush rides the short bus and Ahmadinejad is just plain old crazy. What does NOT do any good is when certain SOMEONES throw around accusations of nuclear weapons ambitions and other SOMEONES threaten to make even more uranium if they're not left alone. I think the US pretty much lost its right to throw around accusations like that after Iraq. Btw, why are we there again?If everyone would just grow up, sprout some pubic hair, and really listened to what the other one had to say, maybe some progress would be made.

Viola! Problem solved. Hmmmm now if there was only there was someone to mediate between the two. Oh wait there's the UN! Too bad the US only respects the UN when it wants something done but doesn't want to do it itself.

There used to be a time when I thought going a week without updating this thing was excessive. Now I'm lucky if I can find time to write every two weeks. I need to change that.