Saturday, December 17, 2005

And I'm Off!

I'll be heading to the Philippines for Christmas break on Sunday morning, and since I live on a farm there, I probably won't have regular internet access, which means I probably won't update this thing for a good while.

I've seen a lot of change this semester. I've switched schools, met new people, and made a whole bunch of new friends. At SMU, as much of an academic joke as that school was, I still found myself unhappy, and by this time last year, my transfer application to UT was complete, and I was ready to go home for Christmas and never come back. As hard as it has been at UT, and its been really hard, I've found time and again driven back to my friends to keep me sane. In short, its been a great semester thanks to you guys and I'm looking forward to another :) I'll be sure to take maaad pictures over break.

So if you're one of my friends and I didn't get to see you this weekend, Merry Christmas! If you're some random dude who I've never spoken to before, but you read my blog anyway Merry Christmas! Ah heck, even if you're one of the bums looking for gay omani porn on my blog, a very Merry Christmas to you too! Now get off my site.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I saw a girl who had braces in Jester today. And I felt sorry for her because, well, she was in college and she still had braces. But then when I got closer I noticed that it wasn't braces that she had, but a FULL ON DIAMOND GRILL

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Sunday, December 04, 2005


You know what really chaps my ass?

1. When I'm in the PCL and some couple starts getting jiggy in the cubicle next to mine.

2. When my TA loses two of my programs, and my test, and says he's too "busy" to look for them, so I get zeroes on them until I find them.

3. When some girl sporting dreadlocks takes an hour to make your sheesha.

4. When you take the wrong bus to the mall and you end up in the ghetto of all ghettos for two hours.

5. When you're at the mall and you get checked out nonstop by damn fourteen year old teeniboppers.

...and that's been my week so far!

Every since writing my "gay omani man" post, traffic on my site has doubled... except about one third of my visitors are still of the man-porn persuasion... anyways

I'm such a Christmas junkie. Sure, all of my Christmases have been spent in the desert, they've all been fun. For the last few years, Thanksgiving for me has meant two things: time to shop like a BAMF, and time for me to bust out the Christmas music. Since I'm not going home this Christmas, I seriously think I'm gonna decorate my room for Christmas. And no I'm not gay.